PCCS Support Services Program
Does your child struggle with one or more subjects in school? Do you want daily personalized attention to help them succeed academically? Have they been diagnosed with a learning difference such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia? Or perhaps they struggle in larger classes due to ADHD/ADD or Executive Functioning challenges. Then, the PCCS Support Services Program can help.

For more information, click below.
What does it mean to be "Smart?"
PCCS adopts a broader view of intelligence including Howard Gardner's 9 Multiple Intelligences. This approach is unlike traditional two-fold labeling such as IQ tests (verbal and nonverbal) or achievement tests (linguistic and mathematical knowledge). While SAT, ACT, TSI, and PSAT scores are still reviewed by university admissions offices, more and more colleges are de-weighting these scores in favor of scholastic performance, community services, and involvement in
Recognizing that students are more than just a label or a two-fold score and gifted with multiple aptitudes and skills by God is a philosophy that enables our teachers to develop a student's areas of proficiency while strengthening weaknesses.
Student Learning Support
PCCS includes in its Mission Statement a commitment to programming designed to help students succeed if they have academic gaps from prior instructional settings, learning differences, executive functioning challenges, or ADD/ADHD. For more information, click on these buttons.
Note: The Support Services Program does not currently include services or faculty to address Special Education (SPED) needs. For a private school option, please check out the Shelton School.

Curricular Exemplars
Barton Reading and Spelling Dyslexia Program
Stevenson Language & Grammar Program
Math U See, Math Advantage, AGS Global, more on Fast ForWord research
PCCS Support Services
The PCCS Support Services Program was launched in in 2003 with the financial assistance of 13 families seeking Christian education where all of their children could attend together, including those who needed learning support. Our Support Services includes small group instruction (modifications to pace and/or curricula], accommodations in the core classrooms, online educational enhancements (e.g., research-based Fast ForWord, Nessie Reading and Spelling), and tutoring for students with Learning Differences (e.g., dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, other processing disorders, and/or ADD/ADHD). ​Our Support Services Program (formerly, the LINK Lab Program) utilizes curricula and pacing designed to best help struggling learners and teachers with experience and special heart for these students.