Founded in 2002, PCCS is fully accredited by the international accrediting organization, COGNIA/SACS and continues to be awarded high accreditation scores. During the most recent accreditation inspection, COGNIA awarded PCCS a score of 369 (well above the average score range of all COGNIA network schools, 278.34-283.33). This high score is not unusual with PCCS scoring in the exemplary range for the last two decades. In all accreditation domains, the school strives for the accreditation standard of "continuous improvement."

To confirm educational excellence on an annual basis, PCCS students take a NATIONALLY NORMED achievement test (e.g. ITBS). This tells parents and accreditors how PCCS students are performing compared to students nationwide. There is no "teaching to the test," nor are students "prepped" other than encouraged to sleep well, eat a good breakfast and come ready to roll! See how PCCS students are working above grade level nationally with most high schoolers working at a college-level of proficiency.
How can PCCS scores remain high year after year? Classroom instruction is effective without unnecessary discipline problems, teachers are qualified and invested in Christian education, rigorous curriculum, and parents are "ALL IN" and expect their children to be respectful, prepared, and ready to learn!
See the ACADEMICS | CURRICULA tab for more.

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